Operating in the courts of heaven




Robert Henderson

SKU: 978-08998-54816 - R Hend £ 11.00 Categories: , , , Tag:

Operating in the courts of heaven

Robert Henderson

Many people believe fervently in prayer, but are not aware of Operating in the courts of heaven.  Even those who don't consider themselves to be Christians do pray, especially in times of difficulty.  However, even with strong belief in prayer, we get frustrated regarding how prayer works and about what we need to do to see our prayers answered.  Most people who pray have experienced confusion when prayers that appeared to have been in agreement with the will of God seem to have gone unanswered. At its core, prayer is inserting ourselves into a spiritual conflict.  But Robert Henderson uses a boxing analogy to suggest that in much of our praying we 'are throwing punch after punch at an unseen opponent, but landing none of them'. Prayer is often likened to a battlefield.  But Robert Henderson teaches that prayer also needs to take place in the courtroom of heaven.  He puts language on a way of praying in which many have already been engaging, and develops it further.

'Operating in the courts of heaven is an exciting treatise on the legal protocols of presenting a case in front of the Judge of Heaven ... Robert's ability to provide language and description to the supernatural administration of prayer allows the process to seem easily explainable to the lay person as well as the legally trained.   For those looking for answers to their prayers - the goal posts have widened and the possibilities for victory assured!'  Natasha Grbich, Ariel Gate International House of Strategy.

In Matthew 28: 29 Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations.  God is passionate about seeing His kingdom coming and His will being done in every sphere of society.  Robert Henderson's teaching on the courts of heaven is a key element in the discipling of nations.  As the spirit realm is adjusted through legal actions in the courts of heaven, and based on the finished work of the cross, cultures are freed.  This results in the will of God being done on earth as it in heaven.

'Whether we are grandmas, Pastors, CEOs, mothers, students or a prayer leader over a region, it is a powerful revelation to know that your destiny (and the destiny of regions and nations) has been inscribed on books that are set before the Judge and King of all creation.  And He has invited us into that courtroom in order to release and decree that destiny into the earth.'  Dr Thomas Schlueter, Texas Apostolic Prayer Network.

This is the first of a series of titles on the courts of heaven.  It gives an introduction and overview, and is followed by other titles which focus on particular aspects of the courts. Robert Henderson has been in ministry since the mid 1980s  He travels worldwide teaching on the material in this and his subsequent books.  He is married to Mary, and lives in Texas.


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