Intercession & prayer

IntercessionWe all pray, even at times those who claim not to believe in God.  Many of us would like to be ‘better’ at intercession and prayer.  But communication with God comes in all shapes and sizes.  Sometimes God gives us an assignment to take on the enemy together as a militant army of intercessors.  At other times, prayer for us means sitting quietly on our own and communing intimately with God.  Or it can be walking with Him in the cool of the day.  Sometimes we do all of these in the one day, and of course it is knowing God as our friend that spurs us on for the battle.

Wherever you are in your journey of prayer, there are authors who have been that way before.  They can provide pointers and illumine your road.  They write about praying into culture and atmosphere and society.  They teach us how to craft prophetic declarations over national or global issues.  Others share about compassionate pastoral or prophetic intercession for individuals and local situations. Then there is prayer to unlock businesses.  Some write about praying with a friend and ministering healing into their concerns, struggles, and wounds.  Others remind us about our character as we pray, lest we think that we must shoulder the burden alone, and that the outcome all depends on us.  Instead let us focus on our personal relationship with God, so that we are ready to take on His intercession and prayer assignments from a place of rest.

Intercession & prayer