World events

Our lives have been rocked by two world events – the covid-19 pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine.

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In almost every town, there is a Ukrainian accommodation centre.  Churches and communities have rallied around to help our guests in many practical ways.  Some churches too have provided translation for their services.  But what about individual spiritual needs?  I now have stock of Ukrainian and Russian Bibles and New Testaments.  Ukrainian is the native language of 68% of Ukrainians, and Russian is the native language of 30%.  I have also myself produced a bilingual Ukrainian / English picture book to comfort Ukrainian children and their families.

The covid-19 pandemic challenged us all, both personally, as well as corporately in our churches.  But there are titles which help us consider the intersection between our faith and what we see in our world.  There is a way to walk this path and maintain our peace.  Then on a practical level, pre-filled Holy Communion supplies can help us to celebrate together while keeping each other safe.

World events