Celtic & Irish

As an Irish person with a ministry based in Ireland, I particularly like to stock Celtic and Irish titles.  In some of these titles, Irish authors tell their own stories.  Often God has used them in amazing ways to further His kingdom.  But this has not always been in Ireland.  However other titles recount stories which take place in Ireland.  In these God uses Irish people or those who have come to our shores.

Celtic & Irish category - Buy Christian Books Online hereCeltic titles on the other hand reflect the Celtic expressions of church which flourished for many past centuries on our island of Ireland.  Many of the ways in which our culture operates. still reflect these values in shadow.  But I long to see many of the characteristics of the historic Celtic church redeemed in our personal faith and in our local churches in these days.  Some of these characteristics are:   an emphasis on personal relationships – church leadership which focuses on relational links more than geographical jurisdiction – a willingness to be adaptable – a desire to listen to others – a reputation for tolerance and welcome – a consciousness of and respect for our Jewish roots – and a contentment in being scattered throughout the countryside.  But in order to aspire to these ideals, we must learn about them, hence my passion for these titles.

Celtic & Irish titles go hand in hand.  Irish titles reflect God’s present day kingdom in Ireland and in our people.  Celtic titles refer back to our unique historic expressions of faith and inspire us for the future.